martes, 24 de junio de 2014

What´s this?

Questions to search the answers in the link above:
1.What is the ISS?
2. What is the purpose of the ISS?
3. What is the TDRS used for?
Click on: "Living on the ISS" and answer
4. Who are the people on-board of the ISS? 
5. How many astronauts fit in the ISS?
6. What is it necessary to wear to go on a spacewalk?
7. What can people, things and food do in space?
8. How can astronauts sleep in the station?
Click on; "Who's involved?" and answer:   
9. What are the two primary countries involved with the ISS now?
10. What other countries participate on the ISS?

Learn more about Life in the Space here!

Game log in as: lesson
Watch the Earth from ISS

lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

Brazil World Cup 2014

Explore the 12 FIFA World Cup Stadiums in Brazil 2014 in 3D. The World Cup starts on 12th June 2014 at the Arena de Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo. The tournament concludes on 13th July at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro.

Answer the Questions:

1) Where is the Fifa World Cup 2014?
2) How many cities and stadiums are involved in the World Cup event?
3) When is it launched?
4) What is the capital of Brazil?
5) Who is your favourite football player?

Waving Flag Song with lyrics